Saturday, July 11, 2009

One Part of American Society

NOTE: Here is another example of how America's society is about pleasure.

We all know that tobacco kills millions of people a year. We, the general public, know the dangers and health effects it can cause. However, at the same token, these two characteristics also belong to alcohol: both tobacco and alcohol are required to place a label on their products stating many of the health risks each comprise.

Here is the difference: television commercials. We all know about the Truth campaign. Truth puts out commercials about the "truth" on tobacco, nicotine, and the tobacco company. Television commercials about alcohol do not provide the general public with the health risks drinking alcohol entails, but rather everyone having a good time. The only thing they warn the public in alcohol commercials is the consequences of drunk driving, by placing "Please Drink Responsibly" in the last few seconds.

Why is this? Some may say it is because tobacco is "worse" than alcohol. However, they can both kill you, and I don't know of anything that is "worse" than death. It is because alcohol outputs more pleasure than tobacco does. What is so great about smoking a cigarette anyway? You don't get drunk. You don't act stupid with your friends. You don't build up confidence, because we all know that alcohol is liquid courage. Because pleasure is such a focused part of American society, the media would subconsciously (or maybe consciously, but let's just give them the benefit of the doubt) relay the overall belief that tobacco is "worse" than alcohol to the public. In addition, that is why we would rather drink than smoke: because there is more pleasure in drinking than in smoking.

This was another example of how America's society is about pleasure. There are many other aspects to this society that I have concluded with, and this particular one was about pleasure. Just an example. Had to write about it lol.

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